Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dont hang yourself Kid...Makes no sense.

Ive always wondered why people try to kill themselves.
I've personally said the only time i would consider was if i were sold into prostitution, a 40 year old homeless crack friend, or dying of that incurable rampant sexual illness.

but personally as horrible as it may sound, I have no sympathy for teens who try to kill themselves. Especially because other spermless snot nosed little kids are teasing them

Kids beat me up all the time in Jr. High. I've been called ugly, anorexic, flat chested, had my head bashed on desk, teeth knocked out, I've had people turn on me because picking on me was cool, glasses knocked off my face, kicked in the stomach in the snow, even guys took a swing at me, all of this before i hit 13. Did my mom take me out of the school? No... you know what she did she kept my ass in there for 3 years, 3 years when kids didn't like me because i was different, beat me up because i didn't act like them or like the same things they did and because i used big words but I had to stay there. There is where i learned, people may hit you and try to take you down with their words and belittle you because they don't understand you...so the fuck what. Never stop being yourself...Because when i graduated Jr high, kids still thought i was weird as fuck...But i was ready to go into high school knowing i was weird as fuck and no stupid kid could tease me out of acting otherwise.

Did i try to kill myself at least once...no. Did i become manically depressed, well yea what can you do because that and puberty will fuck a kid up. Which lead into my pseudo musical theater vocal geek emo rocker phase in high school. But while kids were acting tormented because of hormones and because it was a way to separate themselves and make them 'unique', people failed to understand that i was tormented because...well fuck i had been tormented, i don't even think i ever told my best friend what had happened because i was too depressed to talk about it, and she just thought i was being crazy. Children are evil, ghetto children are the spawns of satan. But regardless I didn't go around cutting myself in bathtubs and shit because through being bullied at a young age i gained a single secular understanding...

I may not be the most appealing right now but I'm a better person, smarter, and 12 year old girls aren't supposed to have DD's its not natural.

Kids still teased me in High School...and even though they tried to whisper..thats one thing teenage girls are horrible at. And it would suck sometimes...but i reveled in the fact i was different, because after you get your tooth knocked out by some prepubescent teenage boy and beat up by numerous pre adolescent girls... No one can really hurt you with words. The first and only girl who tried to beat me up in high school was pleasantly surprised when i was more than willing to knock her ass out if she even tried that shit... Last time i heard of such silly talk.

as oprah says in the color purple "all my life i had to fight"
and if i had to slap some bitch with a white glove to defend my honor well then. ::slap slap::

But i remembered the last day of High School one of my favorite teachers said something to me.
"At a very young age you've managed to do something most people your age haven't done yet, you've learned who you are and you refuse to change for anyone...keep that up kid, and you'll go far in life." - Mr. Kearney.

So i understand how it is to feel as if no one likes you and the word is against you, and theres this burdening dark hole that you feel you'd never get out of. And while most people 12-17 feel that way i have the stories and the assault photos submitted to the NYPD to prove it. Kids look at this point as the be all and end all of existence. From someone whose been through it and came out slightly unstable but non suicidal i don't see the point to wanting to kill yourself because a group of people don't like you.

You know what i learned when that shit happened. Someones bigger than you? Stronger than you? the minute they try to disrespect you stand tall and start cursing niggas out. Learn how to take pain so just in case you get hit you won't be afraid to strike back, don't kill yourself dammit.  Its retarded. I haven't had to physically fight in like 11 years because instead of boohooing in a dark corner of my room listening to 'The Used' I've learned how to use my mouth and now people don't even want to have verbal arguments with me...So i am at peace.

And once i graduated high school with a sense of self i also exited my awkward phase that summer so shit gets better. So now i have a new secular belief

I may be pretty appealing, but it doesn't matter because I'm smart, life has made me a better AWESOME person, and 12 year olds still shouldn't have double DD's... still not natural.