Metaphorically this is the way all relationships begin... Honestly
You never know which one your gonna get... but you know only one is the winner.

This is only metaphorically speaking...
but eventually you wise up and get rid of the whore and the gold digger and are left with you're three final options.

#2. Everyone loves a crazy bitch...until she keys your car and throws your pet bunny in a pot of boiling water right? just imagine what she can do to humans... you wouldn't want to piss her off so its best you don't get involved... Next.

Choose...duh. Choose/v./\ˈchüz\: To select freely and after consideration.
(this is me face palming myself...)

#1. The clinger... Cute cuddly easily teary eyed annoying as hell... you don't know whether to hug them or smack them...but initially you do one better...get rid of them, next.

Shes sweet, but she has an ugly bad side if you piss her off...but shes cute when shes throwing shoes at your face... This seems like the one who can be your closest friend and strongest ally ... she seems like the one so you do what any good poke master would do.

This means if you chose to be in a relationship with this girl...over the crazy, whore, one and the one who wanted all of your money then why... do you go crazy. once your in a relationship, though you found this individual the most special one to be with out of all the rest...
Shit i don't understand
1. Facebook Passwords: why must you exchange this? the first pillar of any good relationship is trust... A person doesn't have to give up privacy until you put a ring on that persons finger... If you are so paranoid that they are fucking around on you...why the hell are you with them in the first place.
2. Restrictions on who you can/cannot hang out with: if you have a problem with them...fine if i have a problem with them...fine... but if either of us were friends with these people before our significant other became apart of the equation...who are they to tell you that you cannot hang out with your own friends... you are not the parent of your significant other...and even parent don't do that shit. If you dont like a stay away from them, don't try to impose your view on someone else... go somewhere with that shit.
3. Restrictions on where you can/cannot go: because there are boys/girls there? so. if this is the person you CHOOSE to be with that means you both should have a mutual respect and understanding that there shall be no funny business going on at these clubs/social gatherings... unless once again your insecure about your relationship.
4. Having another individual running your life because of love.
And...eventually she even said... whats love got to do with it.

because the shit i dont you people allow yourself to get so caught up in these relationships...that you go fucking stupid. you lose your sense of self your sense of cant go anywhere without your boyfriend, you don't want your girlfriend to go anywhere without you because your afraid she's gonna cheat. It would be better of you didn't want her to go any where for some sensible reason like you were afraid she would get abducted by the yazuka, or African ninjas or some shit
There's this old saying.

"you give someone an inch they will take a mile."
a big mile
and half of you are miserable in relationships because you think its okay to take mile long advantages over another persons life just cuz to an extent you thing you own them and vice versa.
you think its okay to accept lies from them because ...because...your fucking dumb
you think its okay to abandon your friends for these people, because you love them so much when truth is...if you two ever realized how fucked up your relationship is, and decide to break up...who are you going to cry to?
and there are more than one of you out many of you do this shit... and so many of you are completely aware of how stupid your being...but some of you can snap out of it. Good.
I dont know a lot about love but in my world...with Pokeballs and shit. Love is about compromise not control. The day you feel as if your sacrificing inches of your freedom in exchange for not another persons happiness...but simply their comfort is the day that your relationship is.>>
yup... I went there.
So please for the love of god... of your in a relationship. Do me a favor, learn to love care cherish and appreciate each other.... and try your absolute best not to make each others lives fucking miserable... cuz that my friends...makes no fucking all.
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